Ginger, Sugar, Fresh Yoghurt, Powdered Milk (NON-DIARY POWDERED MILK), Water, Packaging Bottles.
TOOLS Rubber bowl, Blender, Cheese Cloth/Strainer, Knife, Saucepan, Source of Fire.
1. Pour the ginger into a rubber bowl of water for 30 minutes.
2. Wash the ginger thoroughly to remove dust and debris. Rinse the ginger with another water again.
3. Cut the ginger into pieces and blend it with a higher speed blender.
4. With the help of a cheese cloth or strainer, strain the blended ginger to get the juice into a different rubber bowl.
5. Fetch water into a saucepan and place it on fire to be very hot.
6. Fetch the hot water in a bowl and mix or dilute the powdered milk with the hot water.
7. Add sugar and stir to your taste.
8. Add your strained ginger juice in bit to taste.
9. Add the fresh yoghurt as preservative.
10. Package your product into a bottle and refrigerate.
NB: We do the stirring in one direction.
For 250g of non diary powdered milk, use 2litres of hot water.